<Church of Saint Paul the Apostle of Zaragoza
un recorrido por el arte mudéjar aragonés
webmaster: José Antonio Tolosa (Zaragoza -España-)

Church of Saint Paul the Apostle (ZARAGOZA)

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Also on Calle San Blas is the most interesting doorway from the artistic standpoint. Although it is officially titled Santo Cristo, in former days it was called Tramontana, and it is the oldest one of all. Closed off by the amplification of the side aisle, on the interior it corresponds with the apse wall of the Chapel of San Blas. It is datable to the early 15th century, it was reformed and consolidated in the 16th, and closed off in 1813.

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It consists of three well-defined parts: the lowest portion, which has the actual doorway, the upper part with the wide tympanum and the Mudéjar design in projecting brick, and the great eave that covers it. On the portion to the spectator’s left, at the height of the eave, we can see a little buttress decorated with small openings filled with angled bricks.

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